Vintage Musk Oils of the 1970s

Musk is sex. Musk is clean. Musk is dirty. Musk is a promise of pleasure and connection. Musk is gag-inducing. Musk is sweet. Musk is a natural smell and yet all of these seven musk oils are synthetic. Musk is all of these things and that’s why I love it. Our relationship to the smell of musk is complex, and is connected undoubtedly with our relationship to our own bodies and our attitudes to sex. Since the late ‘60s, single-note musk fragrances have been popular with the great unwashed – or at least those who wish to smell as such. Reaching its peak in the 1970s, the musk oil trend offered a simple yet compelling way of scenting oneself with a manufactured product while affecting the illusion that the highly compelling scent was emanating from one’s own pores. The scent of musk has long been found to be powerfully erotic by many, resembling as it does the smell of – please forgive me – ‘groin sweat’  (sorry…).  In this post, I will be revisiting some beloved vintage musk oils from the heyday of the genre, the 1970s, comparing and contrasting their respective virtues.

Jovan Musk Oil – She is the diamond of the genre, undeniably at the top of the musk hierarchy. What Led Zeppelin is to ‘70s rock n roll, Jovan Musk oil is to ‘70s  musk fragrances. Jovan was so successful in marketing its Musk Oil to men and women because its ad copy made explicit the promises of sexual attraction for all who anointed themselves with it.  They also were able to back up their claims with a wonderful-smelling product so on some level the ad copy was not all hyperbole. Vintage Jovan Musk Oil is indeed incredibly lovely and undeniably smooth, its subtly-sweet, softly-floral musk balancing perfectly the fine line that separates ‘freshly showered’  from  ‘just ravaged’. The seamless creaminess to this vintage oil is truly lovely, and while the modern version is very similar, it is not as smooth with a slight chemical rasp that is not present in the vintage.  Jovan Musk oil came out in 1972 and was such a success that within a year or two there were several similar fragrances on the market.

R.H. Mystic Musk Oil – In the mid and late 1970s this musk oil was very popular in places along the Mid-Atlantic like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, and many people continue to long for this long discontinued musk oil.  However, despite the allegiance many people have for it, I cannot truly say that it is all that original-smelling. It bears a strong resemblance to vintage Jovan Musk Oil, which it was undoubtedly influenced by. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely stunning. When I catch the creamy-sweet musky sillage floating up to my nose, my first instinct is to look in every direction for a gorgeous hunk  so I can saunter past him and possibly make him fall in lust with me through my powerfully erotic scent trail! It’s a beautiful musk, but unquestionably derivative.

Amica Naked Musk Oil – Another in the Jovan-influenced musk oils. This musk oil is dirt cheap to this day. I have the old version with the cork in it, so I cannot vouch for the current version, but it is also exceptionally pretty and sexy in the Jovan mode.

Coty Wild Musk Oil – Finally, we come to a musk that is remarkably different from the more normative Jovan-esque  lilly-musk accord. Coty’s Wild Musk is all about the sweet woods rather than the florals. There is a powdery, slightly peppery, sandalwood note here partnered with crystalline musk. Whereas the previous musks all have an unabashedly raunchy, body-odor-mimicking scent profile, Wild Musk Oil elevates the sweet woods to an almost meditational level. The musk here is palpable and undeniably sexy, but the synthetic sandalwood accord is, for me, dominant. Released in 1973, Wild Musk came out in the wake of Jovan Musk’s success like most of the others…yet in terms of its fragrance it was more original than those others in its de-emphasizing of florals and focusing on powdery woods.

Bonne Bell Skin Musk – Released in the mid-1970s, this musk was marketed primarily to vibrant young women , a contrast to Jovan’s take-no-prisoners sexual-onslaught ad campaign. This fragrance is now manufactured by Parfums de Coeur, but I have an older mini bottle of the vintage Bonne Bell oil  which smells  remarkably similar to Coty Wild Musk Oil with its sweet wood accord combining with the synthetic musk.

Kiehl’s Original Musk Oil – My bottle comes from 2006, and it is a sweet, lily-based floral musk. This musk is somewhat similar to Jovan Musk, but it has a stronger floral profile, and somehow makes a bigger statement. According to Kiehl’s lore, this scent was originally created in the 1920s and christened Love Oil, then rediscovered in a vat in the 1960s. Unlike Jovan  Musk Oil whose vintage bottles are all but ubiquitous, early bottles of Kiehl’s Musk Oil are very difficult to come across. My bottle features a pronounced sweet lily note under-girded by a  powerful musk accord that is both skanky-smelling and clean, rather like smelling someone’s scalp. Whereas Jovan’s Musk  Oil whispers up from the wrist, Kiehl’s Musk veritably blares its call like a tomcat yowling in the night. Incidentally, this also comes in EDT form, which is rather strange; somehow raunchier and not as sweet as the oil.

Dana Musk Oil – A lovely reader sent me a generous sample of this legendary vintage beauty.  Upon initial application, my first thought was that this was barnyard animalic carried to the extreme – the raunchy musk to end all musks. It made Kiehl’s smell like child’s play, so naughty and flagrant were its nuances of B.O., urine and the boo-tay in the somehow still pleasant mix. As time wore on, a cleaner almost shampoo-like facet revealed itself. It began to remind me a bit of the famous Musk Oil by The Body Shop. Did the Dana Musk Oil change over the course of an hour or did my own scent receptors change as they adjusted to the smell. I’ll need to give this several more wearings to get a proper sense of it, but among these old musk oils, Dana Musk is unique and absolutely worth seeking out for its feral, sexual scream laid over 70s shower-freshness.

West Cabot Labs Original Musk Oil – This is another 70s musk oil that is very rare to find in vintage form. It is still around and the modern version is what I am reviewing. This musk is known for being very faint and hard to detect. Fans of this oil insist that it gets stronger with time as it heats up on the skin. I find this to be true as well. I smell a subtle, yet very beautiful, crystalline musk that has an almost mineral quality to it when inhaled close up, almost like smelling rough stone. It has a very mild sweetness to it, anticipating the scent of Egyptian musks, and again, it is lovely – when one can actually detect  it. Long-time fans insist that it smells a bit different than the original version, especially where strength is concerned. This musk is unique, smelling identifiably like musk, yet different from the Jovan-esque oils and the Coty Wild Musk-ish sweet woods. Very intriguing, I would absolutely love to smell the vintage version of this one. It has also been known as Cabot Labs Musk Oil and Cooperlabs Musk Oil.

After the 1970s heyday of  single-note musk scents, musk took a decidedly sweeter turn from 1980 to 1990, the decade that brought forth successful billowy, cotton-candy musk offerings like Soft Musk by Avon and White Musk by Jovan. In reviewing these  vintage ’70s musk oils, I couldn’t help but observe that there are significant similarities in several of these musks to a  successful predecessor, to the point that I would say  ‘If you have vintage Jovan Musk Oil you don’t really need Amica Naked Musk or R.H. Mystic Musk”. Or I might also say ‘If you have Coty Wild Musk Oil you don’t really need Bonne Bell Skin Musk’ and vice versa.  But Musk lovers become attached to one particular musk, and the heart wants what the heart wants.  So the vintage musk oil lover will trawl  Ebay night after night in search of a true piece of nostalgia: the musk of their now-mythologized youth. A true connoisseur of musks  could certainly find fault with these simplistic reviews …But for my purposes here, I have attempted to convey the overall sense of each of these historically significant musk oils, a list which is far from complete (sorry I couldn’t include Alyssa Ashley Musk by Houbigant. That is one I’d love to include here but have never tried).  Thank you for reading!

221 Comments to “Vintage Musk Oils of the 1970s”

  1. Glad you’re back! Lovely article!

    • Thanks, prettykitty! More posts to come in the future. 🙂

      • I have been search for the Musk I used in the 70s. It was sold at May’s Dept Stores. It was clear and unisex. When I wore it the scent would linger on my clothes even after washing them. The company was Reynolds, Brooklyn NY. It came in a plain rectangular clear bottle. Key West Fran ranch company made similar musk but then they change the formula(they added a florL scent, which I’m algeric to). After trying certain others I found Amica Naked Musk. But I really would love to find out if someone is still making the Reynolds Co musk.

  2. Hooray! So glad to see this appear in my reading list– I glimpsed it at work, but held off until I got home so that I could savor it…. many thanks!

  3. loved the article . Loved the coty musk oil especially heather. Wish they were making it now.

    • Thanks so much, Catherine. Coty did some really interesting perfumes back in the 70s including their revered Sweet Earth solid perfume compacts. All now discontinued, including their Wild Musk Oil, which was discontinued within the last couple years.

    • You can still get it on Amazon.

    • my brother gave me my first bottle of Coty Musk Oil when it first came out, I believe it then sold for less than $4 a bottle. It is all I’ve ever used. I have a half bottle left and when that’s gone am afraid its gone. I see it on ebay for big money…crazy. I sure wish Coty would bring this back.

      • Me too , I LOVE that musk & have been trying to find & get it for years.

      • I have been looking for years to find it. I found it on eBay at 380.00 a bottle. I can’t pay that kind of money. I just love the Coty Wild Musk. Every Christmas we always got a bottle.

    • OMG. That was my favourite ever perfume. Didn’t think anyone else remembered it.

  4. I often wondered how some of these scents compared to the Coty Wild Musk oil. I have started wearing Skin Musk, while it is a lovely scent , it’s just not the same.. I only have a small amount of Wild Musk left very very special moments. Loved your article.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sharlene! My tiny bottle of Skin Musk is from the 70s and it smelled quite similar to Wild Musk Oil, but I know that the manufacturing changed to Parfums de Coeur and many people say that the modern version smells different than it used to. Another possibility is that my tiny bottle had been refilled at some point with actual Coty Wild Musk oil and that’s why they smell so similar, but I tend toward the former explanation. BTW, you can still technically get your hands on Wild Musk Oil but you’ll have to fork over around $50 for a bottle, over 3 times how much it sold for just a couple short years ago in the drugstores.

  5. I still have a tiny tiny drop of Miners Musk oil.

  6. Great article. There was a musk oil that I, too, used during the 1970’s. It was very sensuous, not flowery and drove my boss crazy…teehee. I thought is was made with real musk oil and the formula was changed because the law would no longer allow using the real thing, so it was made from synthetic musk. I remember trying the new version and it did not compare. Wish I could remember the name. I think it was applied with a dropper. Any info on this?

    • Thanks for commenting, Lady Jane! The only one that comes immediately to mind which gets feedback like you describe (used to smell incredible, then they changed the formula and it’s now blah) is Cabot Musk Oil. Here are the reviews on Amazon:…But honestly, there were a lot of Musk Oils out in the 1970s, I only covered a small portion of them in this blogpost.

    • My guess is it would be Coty Wild Musk Oil which is applied with a dropper. In desperation I tried the spray… comparison. Coty did a huge disservice by pulling this scent. You can find it on ebay…but be prepared to spend big bucks.

      • I am aware of how expensive it is…that is why this will be my last bottle and I do use it very sparingly on special occasions. Coty most certainly did not consider their customers when discontinuing this scent. The spray is not even close to the oil.

    • I think I saw it on either ebay or Amazon. Check it out –

  7. I miss those 1970s musk oils. Jovan was the one I liked. And there were all kinds of drugstore musk oils back then. A friend had a musk oil from Biba in London that was to die for. She let me try hers and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Or somewhere. I remember that Cabot’s musk oil! I couldn’t smell it either. Nor Alyssa Ashley’s. I just stumbled upon your site. I’m enjoying reading. I hope you will continue to review. 🙂

  8. The musk oil that I used in the early 70’s was called Satana Musk. It was the real thing and a drop went a long long way. Drove people crazy. I can even remember That I purchased it at Spencer’s Gifts.

  9. Is there anyway we can still get the Dana musk oil? I loved that musk!!!

  10. And where can you get the Coty Wild musk oil!!! I think it had a dropper in it to put on the perfume!! that one and Dana MusK Oil were my two all time favorites and i’ve looked for them for 30 years with no luck!! can you tell me if i can still get either one of them!!! Thank you

    • Hi Julie, The main place to get both of those oils is Ebay. The Dana Musk Oil comes onto Ebay sometimes, and there are always a few bottles of Coty Wild Musk Oil on Ebay, but the prices are usually quite high, between $50-$75.

    • watch ebay but brace yourself. It is verrrrry expensive. last time I looked one went in excess of $200

  11. In the 70’s I loved the Miners Musk oil & my boyfriend could hardly stop snuggling into my neck to breathe in the heady sexy aroma!
    When they stopped making it I wrote to them & they sold me some direct from the warehouse. All I could afford only lasted a few years & I couldn’t ever get my hands on any more. There is no 2nd best & I’ve never found anything as nice. I wish someone could recreate it.

    • I’ve never heard of Miner’s Musk Oil, I’m curious about it now! Sounds fantastic. 🙂

      • I noticed that One lucky lady made a comment that she still has a few drops of the Miners musk oil left. Miners (known mainly for their make-up) introduced a range of the ‘essential’ oils in the early ’70’s and were mainly sold in Woolworth stores. The other smells were Patchouli, Sandalwood & (I think) Lang Lang.
        The musk was definitely the nicest, both sexes, old & young would comment on how lovely I smelled.
        I replaced it with ‘Tabu’ by Dana, which is another sexy smell, but that is also quite difficult to find now.

        Cheers, Jan Adlington
        (physical address removed}
        NB: please bear in mind if sending me an internet link- I only get emails on my mobile phone which can’t open large pages.

    • Miners Musk Oil, I have been searching for it since the early seventies. I smelt it at Kmart and saved enough out of my pocket money to buy it. Sadly when I returned they had sold out so I bought the Miners Patchouli Oil instead, which I still have and it is as good as the day I bought it. Certainly wasn’t the replacement for the Musk Oil but I was so upset I had to buy something to console myself. I also have a bottle of the Coty Wild Musk Oil which was my second favourite. I close my eyes when I smell it and it takes me back to my red tag Levis, Led Zeppelin, indian toe thongs, love beads, old friends, school days .. I could go on. A wonderful time!!

      • Loved reading about your musk memories & associations! I would love to smell Miner’s Musk Oil, several people have mentioned it in these comments. Try following that search on Ebay (using “miner’s musk” in quotation marks) so that you’ll receive email notifications. Who knows – someone might list an old bottle for sale at some point!

      • Yes !! I’d LOVE to have some
        I was SOOO disappointed when I couldn’t find it any more back in the 1970s..

      • I have 2 bottles of Miners Musk oil – one full , one 2/3rds full. They don’t smell quite a strong as I remember but maybe thats because I have had them for almost 50 years! 🙂

      • Look on ebay, amazon and those kinds of sites, might have em at some point!

  12. I also love, love, loved Miners Musk Oil – It was also being discussed (briefly) on a blog very recently !!! If anyone has/knows where to procure some I would be extremely happy ….. aaahhhhh the memories

  13. I will pay $200 for a quarter bottle or more of vintage Satana Musk. Thank you.

  14. Thank you so much for this article, and especially the picture of the bottle of Musk Oil by Dana. I have searched for years for this Oil, and even been able to describe this small bottle to people only to have them stare blankly back like I was not remembering accurately. Yeah, nearly 58 years old, and the brain cells are still firing!!!!! I want that Musk Oil. It was my all time favorite!!!!

  15. Where can I purchase original musk wes cabots

    • My favorite musk is Santana Musk, I wish I could get some more. People would tell me how good it was and they could smell it on themselves if we hugged. I would love to find it again

  16. I bought two bottles Coty Wild Musk Oil in the 70s and still use it, it still smells delicious.
    Greetings from Holland.

    • I am jealous!!!!

    • I was Thinking of my favorite musk today when I was eating strawberries from my garden. I believe it was put on w/ a dropper too. It was called “wild strawberry musk oil” it smelled amazing! Anyone heard of it or know where I could get some?

      • Hi Sharon E.
        Wild Strawberry Musk was by Max Factor and it appears once in a while on Ebay or Etsy.

  17. I was recently outbid on E-bay, biding on a bottle of Dana Musk. I seriously am happy for whoever got it, because I know that they obviously know the incredible this musk is.

    • Sorry to hear you didn’t get it! It’s a tough one to procure, and will likely keep getting more scarce and expensive as the years pass, unfortunately.

      • I would imagine that many folks have it in their homes tucked back in Medicine Cabinets or boxes. Perhaps us die hards need to post classified ads, asking and pleading for people to check carefully. Otherwise those bottles of amazing musk are probably just tossed into the garbage.

      • Sometimes I feel a mixture of giddiness and frustration at all the vintage fragrant treasures that I’m sure people have tucked away in some box in their basement or the back of their closet. Ugh! People often have no clue that there is a market for these old fragrances, even drugstore frags from the 70s. A couple months ago I found an old half-full, drugstore body splash for literally only 35 cents at a thrift store. I bought it and sold it for $70 online that same night. LOL. People would be so shocked to find out what some of these old fragrance items are worth.

  18. Have you ever had Black Satin musk oil.. I believe it is no longer made . Is there a really close substitute that you know of. Black Satin was gorgeous and I would like to find another. I am from New Zealand and used to import it for myself
    from USA

    • Hi Carol, I’ve never heard of the Black Satin Musk Oil, but I did own an old bottle of regular Black Satin perfume by Angelique. I sold it some time ago on Ebay. I will have to keep my eye open for Black Satin Musk Oil, it must have been exquisite.

  19. Thank you for such a well written article. Being a fan of all things 1970’s,your interpretation of all the brands of musk was spot on.

  20. I just found this article (and your blog) and read, re-read, and LOVED it! Ahhh, the memories! As child of the 70’s – I’m 49 now – I have used and loved many of the masks you wrote about. In high school, back in 1980, I had a boyfriend that wore Jovan Musk for men and to this day I distinctly remember the overwhelming effect it had on me. It rendered me instantly and completely helpless, smitten and wildly attracted to his scent, it triggered something in me like nothing ever has since. I wore and adored Bonne Bell original Skin musk for years, and also one they came out with as a solid perfume that was in a red compact container instead of the original green one. Can’t remember the name of that one – it was Skin something…wish I could remember…but yum! Mmmm, that was delicious too! I also remember really liking City Sweet Earth. After reading your article, I couldn’t help myself and went out in search of the Skin musk and also Jovan. I purchased a small bottle of. Skin musk oil and was sorely disappointed. Gone is the rich, smooth, naturally sexy and pure sweetness, and my nose was overwhelmed with a blast of chemically yuck unless! Why oh why must they ruin such a good thing? I also spray-tested a couple of sprites of the Jovan. To my nose, it was sadly awful. Not even close to the original. I have very recently found something that has me fragrantly blissed-out again, and it takes me back to the days of how feminine and powerful and sexy I felt wearing those old, original musk oils. It’s called Amica Naked Musk and it can be had for a SONG, under $5! It’s my new little sexy secret. I wear it for myself, but I have already gotten a couple of compliments on how nice and “yummy” I smell when I’ve been wearing it. Yay! I must now attempt to procure some original Bonne Bell Skin oil, and I will again be in olfactory heaven. I haven’t smelled it for a while, but I’d bet money that if a man walked past me wearing original. Jovan musk for men, I’d have to restrain myself from following him, drooling! Thanks again for the awesome article!

    • Thanks very much, I’m glad you enjoyed the blogpost! I agree with you, Amica Naked Musk is very nice. I’ve only tried the vintage version with the cork – I talked about that one in the blogpost I think – but have not tried the current version. It sounds like it still smells lovely though!

  21. I was given a tiny bottle of what was called “Germaine” in the late 60’s. I stupidly threw the bottlle away when it was empty and have never been able to find it again. I think it was an essential oil, most likely purchased in a “head” shop of the day. Have you ever heard of it?

    • Hi there, J Phillips. Yes, I actually own a mini bottle of Germaine. It was made by Germaine Monteil and released in the very early 70s. It’s a very sharp, bracingly green, rose-chypre fragrance. It’s not easy to find, but bottles do come onto Ebay fairly regularly. I assume your tiny bottle was the cologne concentration (like mine) or possibly you had a bottle of fragranced bath oil (since you mentioned you thought it was an oil).
      Here are some reviews of Germaine from Basenotes:

  22. I also used Santana Musk oil back in the 70s. It was the best! I still have a bottle from back then, but here’s some interesting information. Back somewhere in the early 2000s I was at the Freehold Mall (NJ) at a prom dress store buying something for my daughter. I looked at the shelf behind the register and lo an behold I saw a square bottle (not exactly the same as the original) and a very familiar logo on the label. It was my beloved Santana Oil of Musk from my high school days! I started talking to the store owner who told me a friend of his had owned the original company and had barrels of this stuff left over. My heart leaped and I bought some. It was exactly the same smell. Since then I have tried to find him again, but have had no luck.

    Originally, Santana Oil of musk was distributed by Satana Inc. in Boundbrook, NJ. The difference in the spelling of the name is not a typo. That’s how the bottle top reads. The newly bottled musk was distributed by Marrakech, Inc in Edison NJ.

    I guarantee it’s the same stuff. If anyone can help me find this man I would appreciate it.

    • Wow, that’s every vintage perfume-lover’s dream to find an old, pristine stash of one’s favorite fragrance. Amazing story, maybe if you did some heavy-duty research on that specific store in the mall from back then and find out the owner’s name, you could track him/her down and inquire about that long lost stash of Santana Musk Oil. Best of luck and thanks for sharing your experience!

    • Satana Musk Oil. My friend knew the original inventor and owner of the company Satana Inc. She said this musk oil was the best fragrance she ever used. She purchased her bottles at the a boutique called the Cellar located in the Woodbridge Mall. She has been trying to locate the inventor by contacting his friends who owned the Cellar. Please email me if you know his name. Did the company who made the bottle Marrakech, Inc. in Edison NJ know his name?

      • This one was called Santana Musk Oil, but some people mistakenly call it “Satana.”

      • Yes! The bottle on the left is the one I purchased at Spencer’s Gifts around 1970 and it lasted forever. One drop of fragrance could be noticed 500 feet away. :-). Interesting though. I distinctly remember “Satana” and never realized the difference in company name from the musk oil name! Assuming your bottle is authentic, I stand corrected. Is that musk oil in your bottle on the left? If so, is it for sale? 🙂

      • Genire, Yes, you’re right, I just noticed the name of the oil is Santana, like the band, but the company is called Satana. Confusing!
        The bottle in the pic is not mine, it’s just a photo I found on the internet some time ago. 🙂

      • The Santana Oil of Musk made by distributed by Satana Inc., Bound Brook NJ is the correct one. Spencers Gifts would of sold it. My friend met the inventor who created the musk oil but never asked his name. She purchased the musk oil at the Cellar Boutique located in the Woodbridge Mall, NJ. She is trying to locate the owners who sold cases of this musk oil. She also said the bottle was beautiful and one drop lasted forever. I do not own a bottle. My friend has been looking for Santana Oil of Musk for over 20 years. If we could find out the inventor owner of the company or anyone who knows him he probably has leftover stock. Where did you ever find a picture of the musk oil? Do you own a bottle? My friend and I want to buy it. Does anyone know where I can find it or the inventors name. Does anyone know Billy Ovale? He was either a designer or owner of the store in Woodbridge called the Cellar. He was friends with the inventor. Thank you for clearing up the name of the musk oil. So it was called Santana Oil of Musk and the company name was called Satana, Inc. Does any one have one or two bottles for sale? Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate the photo and your information.

      • Jude: Nope, I don’t own any and have never tried it. I don’t remember where I found the pic. I found it online somewhere a year or so ago, and saved it on my computer.
        I am curious about Santana Oil of Musk. In my experience of trying different musk oils, I find that quite a few of them smell like other musk oils, as I indicated in my blog-post. I wonder what made the Santana oil so distinctive. And which other musk on the market is it closest to?

      • All, those pictures are mine…my old bottle on the left (No, not for sale.) and the newish bottle on the right. I would love to locate the man who was selling them at the Freehold Mall. He said he has tons of it and had bought it from the original owner in the original containers/barrels(?).

      • @ Night Vintages. What made is so distinctive was the fact that it was the real stuff! I think it became illegal to harvest it later. What I was wondering is if anyone has ever bought the ones from overseas where it might not be illegal to harvest it.

      • By the 70s, when the single-note musk trend was in full swing, the musks used for the inexpensive musk oils, colognes – and for most perfumes in general – were synthetic because real musk tincture is very expensive. So I’m skeptical that Santana Oil of Musk used real musk tincture, or else its price tag would have been sky-high.

      • You’re probably correct, but this is what you I was told by the man I last bought it from in the Freehold Mall.

      • I gotta tell ya, if that Santana Musk did NOT have tincture of real musk in it, I would be VERY surprised. There just isn’t ANYTHING like it out there in the present day and chemists would have found a way to copy its properties. The consistency of it was OIL. Almost smelling like a soap. If you ever used it, you don’t forget how absolutely STRONG it was. I have tried to locate and duplicate its scent for years and haven’t found anything CLOSE. I think somebody else asked this question: If you have USED Santana, have you found ANYTHING similar? I bet you haven’t.

      • Real musk tincture is very costly. The price of the product would have needed to be high to accommodate the use of real musk. I am very curious about Santana Oil of Musk – if I lived in New Jersey I would become obsessed with finding it and I would make it a personal quest to track it down. lol. But I’m on the other side of the country. :-/

      • Hi, I am doing research and looking at all the information people have provided, Could you tell me is the boutique still in business? I will keep you informed if I find out any information leading to finding this particular musk. I have to find it because it’s the only one I will wear. I just bought alyssa ashley vintage oil of musk and sorry to say I hate it its very flowery and gives me a headache. I will not stop looking. I will let you know what I find out.

      • Hi,
        My best friend knew a designer named Billy Ovale that owned, managed or designed clothing for the Cellar Store in the Woodbridge Mall. He later opened up a high end furniture store in Red Bank, NJ called Ovale. If you find him he knows all the information on the Satana Oil of Musk and the inventor. In the 60’s it was called Santana Oil Of Musk. Company Name was Satana Inc, Westfield NJ. In the 70’s the name changed to Satana Oil Of Musk. Company Name was the same Satana Inc, Bound Brook, NJ. A friend of the inventor of the Satana Oil Of Musk bought out the old stock and bottled it in new bottles. I assume the original bottle that was square glass with a square black top was not available any longer. The owner of the Freehold Mall store may have been Billy Ovale. My best friend has been looking for him for years. Maybe you can help us find him. We have been googling him and can’t find him anywhere. The woman that bought the Satana Musk in the Freehold Mall store posted on this site. You will find her if you look in previous posts. I am sorry but it was not me. The Cellar Store closed years ago. It was the most unique fashion forward store and way ahead of it’s time. It was my favorite store. They sold high end fashion from new young designers like Norma Kamali, Vintage designer clothing before anyone else in the US did. And cases of Satana OIl Of Musk. I do not remember seeing it there. My friend told me this. She bought hers there. She told me a story that when she was a teenager she was walking down the street in the town of Woodbridge where her father lived. A well dressed man pulled up to her in his car and actually scared her. He said is that scent you are wearing Satana Musk? She replied Yes it is. He said to her well I am the inventor. He proceeded to open the trunk of his car that contained cases of the Satana Oil Of Musk. He gave her a bottle as a gift. This is a true story. Isn’t it great. If any one reading this post can find the designer Billy Ovale from New Jersey please let me know. He was best friends with the inventor of Santana and Satana Oil of Musk. This is why there is confusion about the name. The inventor changed the name, moved to a different town but always kept the inc. name Satana Inc. I have a bottle of the Santana Oil of Musk, Satana inc., Westfield, NJ in the original square glass bottle and square plastic black top. I bought it from the original owner in Puerto Rico. She bought it as a teenager in a high end boutique in Puerto Rico for $5. I had her Fedex it overnight so it would get here safe for over $50. I have photos but I do not know how to put them on this site. If you tell me how I will try.

      • ty so much for the information…at least it’s something to go on. I just bought a bottle of Alyssa Ashley vintage musk oil but its not even close it’s too flowery. I have to find this musk its the only one i like. I will continue to search until I find out where I can get it if it’s still available and as soon as I find it I will let you know. I am on a mission lol I know it got to be somewhere unless he sold it all. I hope to be emailing you soon with good news. Thank you again for responding so quick. I also emailed the other girl who posted on here so maybe she can add more information for us. Wish me luck.

      • I too have been looking for the Santana oil of Musk for years .I still have my old bottle yes the squarw glass bottle with the square black top if anyone finds some please please let me know!!!

  23. I just discovered this site and I’m hoping you can help me solve a mystery. Around 1973-4, when I was 12, my aunt gave me a bottle of some kind of musk oil. It smelled wonderful and lasted forever. It was clear and came in a clear globe shaped bottle with a silver cap. I don’t believe it was Skin by Bonnie Bell. It was probably about a 1/2 ounce. I remember smelling it on a lot of women at the time, so it must have been fairly popular and was relatively inexpensive (since my aunt bought it for a 12 year old). I don’t know the name of the musk oil or if it is still made. Someone once told me it was called Truly, but the only Truly that shows up when I Google is a modern fragrance by Vera Wang.

    • Hi Katrina, Could it have been Musk by Alyssa Ashley which at some point came in a round bottle like this:

      Because you say that it was called Truly or made by a company called Truly, I think it’s likely that this musk from your past was one of many inexpensive musk oils that were available regionally in drug-stores and the like. Many people remember certain obscure musk oils from their past that they could find at a local shop, and these were generally made by small, regional companies that jumped on the musk & single-note oil bandwagons when they became popular in the 1970s. I imagine it would be very hard to find a bottle it, if it was made by a small regional company that had limited distribution & limited quantities were produced. One may be listed Ebay eventually, and one could show up in a “perfume lot” on Ebay as well.
      (In addition to the Alyssa Ashley musk oil I mentioned, Vivi Musk oil was popular as well. I should have included those two in my original blog-post.)

  24. I am SO going to miss Coty Wild Musk Oil when I run out. I stocked up as much as possible before it became unavailable. BB’s Skin is much akin on my skin. But which other musk oil do you think is the closest to Coty’s Musk (I’ve been wearing it since the ’70’s as my “signature” fragrance – but don’t think I can bring myself to pay $150 on e-bay!) Is Cooper Lab’s Musk similar?

    • Hi Janell – Yes, I don’t know what they were thinking discontinuing the Wild Musk Oil, a lot of people loved it. It’s so strange to see it selling for so much money. I have a couple bottles of it that I am “sitting on,” I think I’ll wait for a few years before selling them on Ebay. Who knows, maybe by then they’ll be worth $500 apiece. 😛
      The Cooperlabs Musk oil does not smell similar to Wild Musk Oil IMO. I would recommend switching to the Wild Musk Cologne Spray or try to find a copycat/smellalike oil made by an online etailer. If you do find an oil that smells similar, please do post it here. 🙂

      • The only oil that comes close is Bonnie Bell’s “Skin” – Amazon $12.50 – I too have several “stashed” bottles of Wild Musk oil. I may never sell it – but do try Skin – oil version. it is very similar. Let me know what you think!

  25. Thanks! Love all this information. Glad to trust your “nose” about Cooperlabs Musk oil. I also will hold out for the $500 e-bay price jump! (If there’s any left by then since I still wear it daily). Yes – I do have a stock of WM spray also, but, as with all fragrance sprays, it will only last so long. But I buy a bottle every time I’m in Walmart! I have found that BB Skin OIL is as close to WM oil as I can get at this time. I’ve looked into recipes for Musk Oil, but am really unsure where to find some of the ingredients, or if it will even smell right. In looking up “musk” from a flora source, that Crimson Eyed Rose Mallow seeds is included. These actually grow wild near my home. Of course there is no info on how to process the seeds…..

    • Why will the spray ‘only last for so long?’ Do you mean that it goes bad? Or evaporates?

      I don’t think a person would be successful trying to whip up a recipe from scratch to create one’s own Wild Musk oil – it’s not an “all natural” product, it was made with synthetic musk and other synthetic woody aromachemicals.

      One thing you might experiment with is to spray some of the cologne into a dish and then let all the alcohol evaporate off (it might take some days, depending on how much surface area is exposed to the open air), and then what will be left would be the fragrance component. You could add this concentrate to a carrier oil and use it like Wild Musk Oil. Not sure if it would work great or not, but if you’re in an experimental frame of mind you might try it. Best of luck!

      • Didn’t mean to be so long replying to your question! but yes, sprays seem go go bad over the years – gets that pungent, stinky, generic perfume smell, likely the alcohol breaking down the fragrance. But the oils do last a long time. I bought a dozen bottles of Wild Musk Oil from a Canadian on line retailer just in the nick of time after I contacted Coty & found WMO being discontinued. I wear “Skin” for the similar fragrance & WMO when I need the original. They both have the same “lingering” scent in clothes. And I can’t smell either when I wear them, but always get the “you smell so good!” form men & women, too.

  26. Do the Cooper labs people posting know of Satana Musk of the early 70’s? If so, is there ANY comparison?

    • Mark I have never found a musk that compared to this one. I can smell and identify it a mile away, even when the difference is subtle. I think the difference is that this was the real stuff, not a synthetic. As you can see I made my profile picture a compilation of the old bottle (top and side) and the new bottle.

      Last summer I posted this:

      August 26, 2014 at 12:36 pm
      I also used Santana Musk oil back in the 70s. It was the best! I still have a bottle from back then, but here’s some interesting information. Back somewhere in the early 2000s I was at the Freehold Mall (NJ) at a prom dress store buying something for my daughter. I looked at the shelf behind the register and lo an behold I saw a square bottle (not exactly the same as the original) and a very familiar logo on the label. It was my beloved Santana Oil of Musk from my high school days! I started talking to the store owner who told me a friend of his had owned the original company and had barrels of this stuff left over. My heart leaped and I bought some. It was exactly the same smell. Since then I have tried to find him again, but have had no luck.
      Originally, Santana Oil of musk was distributed by Satana Inc. in Boundbrook, NJ. The difference in the spelling of the name is not a typo. That’s how the bottle top reads. The newly bottled musk was distributed by Marrakech, Inc in Edison NJ.
      I guarantee it’s the same stuff. If anyone can help me find this man I would appreciate it.

      • hi, I too am looking for santana musk. I have been researching everywhere. Do you remember the name of the store in Freehold you bought the musk? I also read something about Westfield weather it was a distribution site or what I am not sure but I am also researching that connection. I also would like to know if Jude knows if the Cellar Boutique in the Woodbridge Mall is still in business. If you remember the name of the store in the Freehold Mall you bought the musk please email me it. I will keep you updated on any information I dig up, Lets hope I can track someone down who can help.

      • Wow, the stories of Satana/Santana musk are like pages from a romance novel. If you’ve ever been around it, you don’t forget it. I will continue the hunt and add that guy Ovale to my investigative list. That story of the inventor and his gift is right out f a storybook and, I’m telling you, one COULD be in an enclosed car and smell the scent on someone walking down the street.

      • Its the best there is. I just bought a bottle of vintage alyssa ashley musk oil…soooo disappointing its very flowery nothing like satana. Some how one of us can locate it if he has any inventory left. As soon as I know anything or get new information I will give it to you. I am on a mission lol and i won’t quit till i have an answer then we can both buy it by the case lol

      • Louise, the store was one of those pop-up prom stores that open during prom season. If I went it, it was at least 7 years ago. That’s when my youngest daughter was going to a prom. As I paid for whatever I was buying I noticed the square, but not the same, bottles on a shelf. I asked about them and that’s when the man told be the story above. The name of the store was “New York…something”…I can’t remember exactly. Every now and then the full name of the store comes back to me. I’ll be back when it does.

      • thank you that would be great!!!!

      • OK everyone. I’m getting closer. I just found the business card of the place I found the man who has “barrels of this stuff”! The store’s name was New York, New York. It had 2 locations; one at the Freehold Mall (where I bought it) and one at the Woodbridge Mall. With prom shopping season coming up, we may find him again. There are two phone numbers on the card. Freehold (732) 303-9344 & Woodbridge (732) 636-5688. Is anyone good at finding people this way?

      • Hi Cathleen, I did some googling and it looks like the Woodbridge phone number belonged to a parent company called Imagination Inc. at one time. But that telephone number has also been associated (at different times and at differnt addresses) with a male named E. Corey & a woman named J. Rearick (I’m witholding the first names for privacy purposes). Have you tried calling those numbers?

      • Hi,
        I am the person of the friend who met the Santana & Satana Oil Of Musk. She was friends with the owners of the Cellar store located in the Woodbridge Mall. The owners and designers of clothing the Cellar sold were friends with the inventor.
        She has been trying to locate her friend Billy Ovale for years after he closed a furniture store in Red Bank, NJ called Ovale. I am going to ask her if she knows either one of the two names you listed in your post. I will let you know what she said. These people have to know each other from the Cellar store. The Cellar sold cases of Satana Oil Of Musk located at the counter where customers paid for their purchases. Thank you for this information. We are getting closer.

      • I managed to acquire a half-full bottle of Satana Musk Oil a while back, and the color is very light yellow. I have no idea if it smells as it originally did. I would describe the scent as a musk *somewhat* similar to Jovan Musk, but with more of a warm, slightly “salty” quality. It is very pretty, and extremely persistent. A little bit rubbed off on the inner wrist of my coat and I could smell it there for over a month. The only other musk I’ve smelled that resembles it is the drydown of Golden Autumn Ginger Musk by Prince Matchabelli. The musk used is very similar to my nose – but you have to wait a good while for the ginger note to go away before the warm musk reveals itself.

      • I have the square bottle. I googled the name Satana Oil Of Musk, the square picture popped up, I clicked the picture it took me to eBay ended auction. I contacted the seller who lived in Puerto Rico. We emailed for a few days and she re listed the bottle just for me and I had to purchase it the exact minute. I told her to Fedex it to me overnight which cost $55 but I didn’t care. The bottle is 1/4 full and I am afraid to open it. The woman has had it in her possession since she purchased it in the 60’s for $5 at a high end boutique in Puerto Rico. She was very sad to let it go but she was happy to sell it to a person like me that would treasure it always. What a nice woman. This bottle is the large square bottle with the square black top. The bottle is so unique. This was the first bottle and name the inventor gave the musk. Satana Oil Of Musk. Just like your picture. The company name was in a different town in NJ also. Bound Brook or Westfield. I am thrilled that I found this beautiful square glass bottle with the black plastic top. I assume the inventor and owner of the company changed the name from Satana Oil Of Musk to Santana Oil Of Musk. I wish I could go back to the Cellar my favorite store in the world and of my life and buy cases of it. I love hearing all of these stories. Everyone is so passionite about this fragrance. Your pictures have helped people especially me find my bottle. I thank you for that. I also enjoy your Blog. It’s so well done and beautiful.

      • Thanks very much, Jude, for your kind words!

      • I just spoke to my friend who was very good friends with the owners of the Cellar who were best friends with the designer of Satana Oil Of Musk. I told her the names you mentioned. The second name sounds familiar to her. The owner of the Cellar’s name was Joyce. And if the name of the company at one time was called Imagination she said that this could of been the LLC of the Cellar store since the owner was a huge John Lennon fan. My friend wants to call her if you could give the number privately. My friend was a very good customer at the store in the 70’s & 80’s and used to model for them.
        I bet that’s her. Joyce Rearick. If any person should call her if it is Joyce my friend would be the best person to contact her since she knew her and Billy Ovale. She has been looking for him since he 90’s. My friend can help you find the people fast if you involve her. It’s up to you. Please let me know.

      • Hi Jude, I’m sorry but the name was not Joyce, it was Jetta. I do *not* believe this person has any association with the prom store Cathleen spoke of or Imagination Inc. and probably E. Corey does not either. They are just two random people who showed up online who once had that phone number. I simply mentioned them to tell what I had found when I did some deep Googling on Cathleen’s Woodbridge phone number yesterday evening.

        I would like to know if Cathleen has tried calling those phone numbers? If not, I can try calling them on Monday. I don’t want to bother anyone over the holiday weekend, though.

      • Thank You for your help. This feels like a treasure hunt and a mystery. How can people disappear. If you google me or anyone in my family we show up all over the internet because of our family business. Ages, phone numbers, addresses, net worth. I can’t believe how difficult this man Billy Ovale is so hard to find. I wonder how these people got the musk?You are very helpful. I will tell my friend the woman’s name maybe she knows her. Have a nice New Years and thank you for giving me the information. I am positive the people can be found.

      • You’re welcome, I enjoy a good perfume mystery. 😉
        I don’t know how Billy Ovale can just disappear. My thought is that he might have died (God forbid) or moved abroad? I just don’t know. But I did google his name combined with Imagination Inc. yesterday and turned up zero connections.

      • It looks like the seller is focused on selling items related to Santana (the band). The picture in the listing is of an unrelated bottle of white musk oil. I’m very skeptical of it.

      • Please any info on Santana musk is appreciated looking
        for years

      • Hi Laura, It comes onto Ebay once or twice a year but be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it.

      • Hi,

        I am Jude whose friend knew the people who owned the Cellar store & we’re best friends of the inventor of Santana Oil of musk. She met the inventor. I think my friend is going to post on this site & you can ask her questions. How are we going to find the owners of the store New York New York. They were friends of the inventor also. I googled the store with no luck. I am usually good at finding things but this is the biggest mystery I have ever tried to solve. Do you have any suggestions. I wonder if the store sold out of the barrels of leftover stock they bought from the inventor. Do you know if the inventor is still alive?

  27. Hi my name is nan is not well at all and I no she loves coty musk oil from the 60.70 she said it was in a little brown bottle with a dip stick I have tried to get some for her so I can see a smile on her face help me please thank you .you will have to right to her as this is her tab thank you.

    • Please try Ebay for purchasing Coty Wild Musk Oil. You can find bottles of it but it’s expensive, generally between $100-$150. Best of luck!

      • I had a bottle of the original amica oil with the cork, back in the very early 70’s. and it was wonderful, but don’t waste your money on the new version.
        Quite frankly I am surprised that everybody is raving about the Jovan musk! It was awful! Very cheap and synthetic smell ! Can’t comment on coty wild musk, don’t remember how it smelled . It must not have bowled me over, otherwise I would have bought it.
        Back in the late seventies I discovered Caswell Massey Spice of Life musk oil, it was incredible! NOTHING else even comes close to it!

  28. Well, musk investigators out there – I am in search of a musk perfume my cousin and I wore in the 70’s. I believe it was called “Crystal (crystille) musk” possibly Helena Rubinstein or Houbigant, or, maybe not. It came in a small cut crystal style spray bottle, almost a travel size. We found it at Belk’s Department store in NC. Then later I found a bottle in Georgetown, DC and a used one in New Orleans in the late seventies or early eighties. The smell, of course, was amazing; musk but so fresh, sexy and innocent, with a little something else, citrus maybe. I believe if sex was a butterfly, it would smell like this perfume. It must have been inexpensive since we bought it with our allowances. Now on the flip side, to confess how much I want this, I splurged on Creed’s Virgin Island Water. In my quest, I visit every perfume counter, where I caught a hint of “that” musk amidst the coconut and rum. Well, there is Tonkin musk, or a synthetic in Virgin Island Water, but it lasts briefly, as does the entire perfume. I have searched and found crystal musk perfumes but none compare. There was another musk with similar qualities, it too is gone, a “tonquin” I think, including the misspelling, that could be found in health food stores in another tiny bottle, clear rounded glass with a rounded wooden cap. I would love to know if anyone else experienced this crystal musk scent, and if so, did you find a match? Thank you for the effort put into the blog!

  29. i was a kid in the70s and thought jovan’s musk for men was the greatest thing ever.
    somewhere in the 80s it changed. it became very perfumy, very cheap smelling.
    always wondered why they would change it the way they did.

  30. In the 70’s my oldest sister wore white musk the bottle probably 1 or 2 oz. The label was white with a cork and it had a ship on it.

    • The only musk that comes to my mind that had a white label with a ship on it, and had a cork in the opening is Old Spice Musk:
      old spice musk

  31. I used to buy China musk in the early 80’s at street fairs in Az. Do you know where I might find this again?

    • There are many China Musks made by various brands: Body Time, Terra Nova, etc. To find the one you are looking for you would need to know who made it. Ebay is always your best bet for vintage musk oils.

    • It’s from Lotions and Potions Tempe, AZ

  32. I just came upon this site! I was an avid wearer of “mystic musk oil ” for many years. I actually saved a bottle in its original package which was never opened, knowing this product was NO longer available, ANYWHERE. (see vintage photo of R.H. mystic musk). Unfortunately it didn’t last forever. I kept in carefully stored in a drawer and when I decided to wear this crown jewel, the content had turned yellow and scent was different. I tried so hard to justify that once it was on my skin for awhile, the scent would come back… It wasn’t even a faint scent, just diff (not pleasing..) Yes, it took awhile for me to get over this..
    Is there anything out there that comes close to these vintage oils mentioned on here? I’ve tried contacting the manufacturers moons ago , with no real explanation to why the products were discontinued. Has anyone been pleased with a product they purchased from e bay?? Are the sellers products authentic? I have tried all the Jovan’s musk types, (which I have to purchase in order to see if the scent comes remotely close) but they don’t seem to last long.
    If only we could turn back the hands of time….

    • Hello I-Wish, thanks for commenting. I have a bottle of RH Mystic Musk that I’ll be listing on Ebay soon. It smells very nice.

      Regarding Ebay purchases, I am an Ebay seller and buyer of vintage perfumes, and I’m very pleased most of the time. Lots of great vintage perfume treasures are found there. Just be careful, do your research first, if you have any doubts then make sure the seller will accept a return. Good luck!

      • Night Vintages, thanks for responding… I don’t know if this is out of line asking when u will be listing the Mystic Musk in Ebay, so forgive me! The discoloration wasn’t so much of a concern, it’s the scent!!
        I appreciate your advice about doing research on the product as well as the return policy. It’s interesting to say the least, that I inquired about this musk oil OUT OF NO WHERE, (honestly) and not only have you been kind enough to respond to my comment, but you actually own one.. HUH? lol. Thanks so much..

      • Hi I-Wish: I’m not sure if it will be in your price range or not. I spotted it hiding in a large fragrance lot of vintage Avon bottles a month or so ago, and I paid quite a bit to acquire it. It’s a large 1 oz bottle, and I will be listing it for $199. Obviously if it doesn’t sell at that price, I will lower the price in increments until someone purchases it. I’ll likely list it within the next week.

      • I will look into the details when u list it on Ebay. Tks, Night Vintages…

  33. Hi from New Zealand. I am watching you site with anticipation as I am dying to get some. Keep up the good detective work. Caro

    • I’ll try to call the phone numbers Cathleen provided tomorrow, but I really don’t expect anything to come of it. Those phone numbers have likely been used by a few different people over the last decade. So don’t get your hopes up, everyone. 😉

  34. Jude, Please let me know if you find anything else about Satana Oil of Musk. I have been researching now for a very long time and can find nothing more about any one regarding this musk oil. Please Please let me know if anyone else finds anything else about where I can find my Satana musk oil. I have tried others but was a waste of money nothing nothing smells and lasts like Satana and I would rather wait to find this than try others that do not compare to it. Thank you sooo much for posting this information as I am still trying to research him and I keep searching ebay and every where else I can think of.

    • I will keep you posted. The woman who found the store New York New York a pop up store during prom season about 7 years ago at the Freehold Mall in NJ bought a bottle of leftover stock that was purchased by the store owner a man. I have tried calling the two numbers in Woodbridge and Freehold and they don’t exist anymore. The Woodbridge NJ Tax Assessor’s office should have information on the store New York New York or the parent company Imagination of both stores. Does anyone leaving comments want to do the research. I am already researching with my friend the store in Red Bank closed in the 90’s. The owner was friends with the inventor. If I find him he will know what happened to the Santana Oil of Musk and if there is any stock left or who bought it. It may have been him.

      • Since you’ve called the ph. numbers, I guess there’s no need for me to call tomorrow. Good luck, y’all. 🙂

      • Hi,
        I called the business phone numbers for New York New York. Those numbers were not i working order. I don’t think the store is in business any longer or the man who owned the store changed the name of the store or the phone numbers.
        I did a google search of the store and nothing pops up.

      • I’m not giving up. I have put out a Facebook message to all my Red Bank friends to see if anyone knows him. Was the name of the furniture store the Cellar? I’m not clear on this. Also does anyone know what its address was?

  35. Another Ended eBay auction. 40% full bottle of Satana (Santana) square bottle. $105. I would have bought it if I’d have known! Arrrrrrgh! Happy New Year fellow seekers!

  36. The name of the furniture store was called Ovale Broad Street. I think it was 8 Broad Street, Red Bank NJ

  37. I’m looking for a musk oil I used in the 80’s.the bottle was black with the male and female signs.the plus sign and arrow sign.the signs were joined together.I don’t remember the maker of it.

    • Musk Oil by Alyssa Ashley/Houbigant. I’ve read that the vintage version in the black bottle smells different than the modern version in the clear bottle.
      Alyssa Ashley Musk Oil

  38. When 28 in 1981 wore coty musk oil. Many people commented how nice. Still have original bottle. Beautiful genie bottle like shape with brown tassle.

  39. Hi, I’ve been looking to find where I can buy Jovan for women white musk oil. According to a fragrance store rep. She said the makers of Jovan products are no longer making the oils. It’s the best and last long. Now I just use the cologne spray it’s okay but oils are the best to use. I’ll try eBay, but I wonder what the price might be to buy one. I’m glad we still have people loving that sweet musk fragrant.

    • Hi Carmen, I have seen White Musk Pulse Point Oil by Jovan come onto Ebay a few times. It definitely has a fan base so you can be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it in auction.

  40. My first musk oil was Casswell Massey’s. My last bottle ran out many years ago. Most of the 1970s musks used nitromusks like Musk Ketone and Musk Ambrette and other non-nitromusk musks. I doubt any used true deer musk because of expense. It was banned from use in U.S and European perfumery in the late 1970s, ironically around the same time nitromusks were banned. I have a small bottle of tincture of Tonquin Musk that I was given by an amateur perfumer who has a collection of real deer musk from different parts of Asia. Caswell Massey Musk Oil was the closeset smell to approximate true Tonquin Musk. Real deer musk smells incredible — complex, sweek yet animalistically oily. No chemicals can replicate the magic smell of the deer musk. Actually, there is one modern musk perfume that smells quite like Tonquin musk, and that is Illuminum’s Black Musk. There’s a musc fragrance that is actually called Tonkin Musc that smells great, but not like true Tonquin musk. This is a wonderful series of posts. Kudos to the creator.

  41. I can’t believe I came across this site.

    I used to wear Wild Musk by Coty ALL the time and disappointed when they stopped making it. I was also and am a fan of the Skin Musk oil.

    Does anyone remember Skin II and Skin III? I have been searching high and low for these. Skin III in particular, it has a spice scent to it.

    I love the oils because they last all day long. If someone can point me to the “just like” perfumes that smell like identical to all of the above, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you

    • Hi Renee, I remember the other Skin musks too! I loved one that was in solid form and came in a red compact. I have an almost full bottle of the original City Wild Musk in the brown cylindrical bottle and a black cap with a dip stick attached. I just re-read this ENTIRE post and thread and had to get up to put some on. My sister lives in Freehold, NJ and I may be able to utilize her if anyone has info on the Satana/Santana Musk oil. I’d love love love to try it. For those of you who loved Coty Wild Musk, I have found Body Time’s Civet Musk to be very close. It does come in oil form. I’m almost 53 and wore and loved almost all the masks in the original post. I grew up in NJ, so was at the “center” of the musk craze. If anyone tries the BT Civet Musk I’d love to know what you think! And I still haven’t ever smelled anything that made me want to ravage a man the way that the original Jovan Musk for Men did. My boyfriend wore it back in 1980 and it drove me insane in the best way possible. I’m almost certain that if I smelled it on a man today I’d follow him just to get close enough to breathe it in!

  42. I love Jovan Musk Oil and have bought it from Amazon and ebay – until last month. Now they won’t post to the islands, mainland only. Does anyone know how I can obtain this item while living on an island? Thank you

  43. I wore a musk from Cabot and one by wonderful to smell.

  44. As a male I was given my first bottle of Jovan Musk Oil for Men in 1975. I had such many compliments when wearing it but over the years I stated trying others. When I got older I bought a new bottle of Jovan Musk Oil for Men and it wasn’t the same. What happened?

    • It was reformulated, either due to ingredient restrictions (for example, some musk ingredients were banned in the early 80s) or to keep up with changing tastes/trends in fragrance.

  45. I remember using my very first Musk oil when I was about 13 years old or so….bought it at a drugstore in southeast Michigan and whenever I wore it, people swooned. It smelled incredible. I had my boyfriend clamped to my neck when wearing it. The bottle was a decoratively carved circle with a base. Amazing stuff…cannot remember the name, unfortunately. Would love to have it now!

  46. You forgot “Skin” musk oil. My fave. I’ve used it since the 70’s . I still use it and buy it from Amazon. I always buy extra when I order… who knows how long it will be around !!?

    • Hi Dawn, I did include Skin Musk oil in the blogpost – the one that used to be made by Bonne Bell but is now made by Parfums de Coeur.

  47. Wow!!! I just found a little bottle of the Coty Wild Musk Oil in my draw, but this one is in a little round black bottle with a silver top. i did have the little bottles before hand and I just loved it. Whenever I saw it on sale grabbed as many bottles as I could afford at the time. It saddens me that I can no longer get it:( I live in Australia.

  48. Thank you for a beautifully written article about the great old school scent of musk. Made me start wearing musk oil all over again!!!

  49. I’m not only lover but also an addict of Natural Musk Oil perfume. I’m looking for where to buy some in my country Nigeria.

  50. Used to wear the Coty Musk oil,black bottle with silver top,everywhere i went even when i was a traffic warden,men and women would walk up to me and ask what i was wearing that they adored the smell..So wish i could buy that again!

  51. Been looking for this too as well. I bought the last 4 bottles at a pharmacy in 2000 for $8.99 each. It’s all gone and I have never seen it again.

  52. I’m so happy to find this ongoing thread about musk oil, I am so frustrated because the original musk oil from cabots is my favorite but its so light I can’t smell it, yet others smell it on me. I want to know if anyone know of a musk oil that smells similar to the Natural Original Musk Oil by cooper labs formally called west cabots. This smell is pure “nirvana” soft, sweet, sexy, intoxicating. Please please help me find something more potent then the one at cooper labs. I have the musk spray and it smells better than the oil. Vintage Natural Original Musk Oil or something that smells like it.

    • PRem Love,
      I used to buy an oil called Arabian Musk by Kuumba Made, and IMO the scent was identical to the Cabot Musk oil by Cooperlabs. Not sure if it’s actually stronger though…

  53. Thank you for responding I will look into this fragrance I believe I have smelled it before but if you say its identical to the Original Musk Oil by Cooperlabs then its worth giving it a try.

    • PRem Love, I just checked out the reviews of the Kuumba Made “Arabian Musk” on Amazon, and some people are saying the scent is different from what they bought before. So they may have changed the formula. When I bought it years ago, it smelled like the Cabot Musk Oil, it was light but got stronger on skin as time passed – and it got compliments galore. I’m just not sure if it will smell the same as it used to, so buyer beware.

  54. Night Vintages, thank you for checking I went to wholefoods because they have Kuumba Made but they don’t have Arabian Musk. Im going to try a sample online. I may just have to be satisfied with Cooperlabs labs musk oil spray at least I can smell something when I use it…thank you. 😊

  55. Y I would like to know where I can get Vintage Lentheric Just Musk. ….that is the best

  56. With all of the copy-cats out there, do any of you know if Coty Musk Oil has a copy-cat? I still have a wee bit of oil that I use sparingly. Coty’s spray can’t old a candle to the oil! I bought my first bottle of oil in JR high, loved it immediately…love it still.

    • Hi Cheryl, I’m not sure of any smell-alike oils, but I see there is an “Coty Wild Musk Original Oil” from Brazil on Ebay, apparently made by Coty. Maybe it’s the same as Wild Musk Oil? I’ve never tried it so not sure, but might be something to look into.

      • I’ve found Body Time’s Civet Musk oil very similar! And I have an original bottle of the City Wild Musk oil I bought (for a steep price) from eBay. If you try the one by BT, please let us know what you think! -LexiJo

      • Thanks LexiJo! Hopefully Cheryl can try the Body Time Civet Musk and find a good replacement for the original.

      • Surprise I came across Jovan Musk oil and I bought it immediately at KMART, but when I put a bit on my wrist , the smell was very light and it didn’t seem to last long. I guess it’s like the makers changed something. It’s just not like it was before.

        On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 1:26 AM Perfume Fountain wrote:

        > Night Vintages commented: “Thanks Lexi! Hopefully Cheryl can try the Body > Time Civet Musk and find a good replacement for the original.” >

      • Thanks! I will start looking for Body Time Civet Musk. I did find another Musk that I like very much, China Musk from Lotions and Potions out of Tempe AZ. Works well dabbing on in the oil form or in a lotion. Spray is ok. I’m not big on purchasing from other countries that say ‘all sales final’, so I may never get another Coty Musk Oil, but, if I ever find something close, I’ll definitely buy a case, lol!

      • Hi! I have tried the “Coty Wild Musk Original Oil” from Brazil on Ebay. Apparently, it is a verified & authentic Coty formula. It is very similar with a tiny hint of citrus not apparent in the original Musk Oil. I still have a bit of CWMO and haven’t had to rely on it yet, but wanted to test it out. It’s close – but I’ve not worn it enough to get the usual compliment: No other musk fragrances get the “you smell so good!” (even tho I can’t smell it after applying) from both men & women, young & old!

      • Janell, thanks for chiming in!

  57. I’m almost certain that back in the 70s I had a bottle of Coty Wild Strawberry Musk . Am I wrong ? This was my favorite .

  58. is coty wild musk oil strong? how do I know im getting the real thing when I buy vintage please.

    • I find it to be strong and persistent, the smell lasting for many hours. But people are often anosmic to certain musks so they might not be able to smell a certain musk at all or they stop smelling it after a while.

      I don’t know how you would know if the musk oil inside a Coty Wild Musk Oil bottle is definitely real, you would just need to be familiar with what the real thing smells like.

  59. I have a full half oz. bottle Coty wild musk, very nice scent but I dont wear it.

  60. If anyone finds out info on where we can all buy Satana Oil of Musk please let us know,

  61. The West Cabot Original Musk Oil smells like the original from the 70s, but it does not last! Wish they could make the scent last!

  62. The owners first name of New New York was Marty. I don’t have a last name,but he owned the Santana Musk Oil. I use to purchase it from him,12,14 bottles at a time. At one time he had the oil but couldn’t get the bottles to put the oil in them. Before he closed his store, he found 2 bottles in his garage and brought them to me at the store in Woodbridge. I love this fragrance,there is no other like it. I have a small amount and trying to save it by using small amounts. If I knew that there would be a time that I couldn’t get my hands on it, I would not have been so kind to give it to others. Please if you guys find out anything please keep me in the loop.

  63. It’s me again, I found some of the sample packets,the little plastic packets inside of a old pocketbook. I was a happy camper that day. That smell was my MO,people knew of my comings and goings because of that scent.

  64. Are all these musks synthetic..

  65. I sooooo miss RH Mystic Musk Oil. The best musk ever. I am always on the hunt for something that smells as close to RH as possible.

  66. I have a full bottle & a 3/4 full bottle of miners musk oil. This was my favourite. I bought it in the 70’s from Top Shop I believe.
    My best friend always used the Patchouli. She used to pour it on her afghan coat to try & kill the smell! 🙂

  67. Desperatly seeking Satana Oil of Musk

  68. Has anyone got an address where i can buy musk oil…I used to use Black Satin musk oil made in USA. But they have stopped maki g it.I live in NZ and theres nothing remotely lke it here. Would love to hear from anyone. Thanks

  69. I understand that Cabot Labs Original Musk smells like the original Satana – someone buy one and let us know. It’s on ebay

  70. With the original Cabot’s musk oil do the bottles look different then the new ones? If anyone has a bottle of the original I would greatly appreciate them posting a photo. I have some Olfactory Corp musk oils from the 70s that smell lovely, but in my opinion nothing compares to Coty wild Musk. Of course I would love to get ahold of the Santana Musk after hearing all about it. Has anyone heard of Colin Ingram musk oil, or cheeseborough ponds citrus musk oil? Just doing a little brain picking here. 🙂 BTW Coty wild musk oil is now selling for up to $375+ per 1/2 ounce bottle!

    • You’re right. Nothing compares to Coty Wild Musk! I have a few bottles with a couple of drops in them – I added a 15-30 drops of fractionated coconut oil to these and extended the contents & was happy with the results! Can’t buy it at $375+ but can get every last drop out of my bottles!!!

  71. In the late 60’s and early 70’s I had a bottle of Vanilla Musk. I think it was made by Max Factor. Does anyone else remember this? Can you buy it anywhere? I have been trying to find it for almost 50 years.

    • keep checking ebay and amazon, it might show up

    • Judy Renfrow – I see a 2.25 spray bottle of Vanilla Musk by Max Factor on Ebay right now. It appears to date from the late 70s.

      • Judy, any chance you can let me know if you happen to come across Satana Musk for sale anywhere, I’d truly appreciate it. I understand people see it around now and then, but I’m not one of them. Thank you, Marilyn S.

    • Judy, I am currently wearing Wild Musk Violet, by Max Factor. It is incredible.
      I’m in UK and am listing it on ebay, soon.

  72. I always used wild musk original by coty
    Can no longer find here in state’s. I saw one on eBay for 275.00 way to much money

  73. How does the patchouli brand compare to the vintage musk oils. No one mentioned it.

  74. Alyssa Ashley is still my favorite, since about 1976, but it is no longer labeled “Houbigant”. It still smells just as good as it ever did, to me. It has a fantastic shelf life, and although it’s getting harder to find, it is still possible. The last I bought was at CVS.
    My second favorite was Aviance Night Musk, by Prince Matchabelli. But, the company sold and the formula was changed, and it stunk on me! Never again.
    Back in the early 80s, I found one called BioEssence, at JC Penney’s. It was syrupy sweet, and I loved it, but I never found it again. Dang.
    I love musk because it is sweet, and I can’t seem to wear anything very flowery or spicy.
    I keep AA, Jovan, and Coty Wild most of the time.

  75. My mum bought me angel moschus oil from Holland in the seventies it was gorgeous I did get another lot then it vanished would love to find itcagain

  76. Hello Kids, I just turned 72 and the mystery of the Musk Oil that I was able to get in Chicago will always remain a mystery.
    Remember, I just came out of the 60’s and I lived to tell about it. About 1972 there was a hippy shop on Broadway or Clark St. I remember going in and purchasing a small bottle of Musk Oil. The store associates would get a tiny brown bottle (3ml & no name) and fill it from a brown bottle about a quart with no name of this Musk Oil that was truly meant for the gods. It was $25.00. I tried to find out who made it and was told it was a closely guarded secret and was made only for this store. (Don’t remember the name of the shop.) This just had to be made from deer musk. $25.00 was a lot of dough in ’72 but once you smelled this you would never, ever forget it. Nothing that had a label came close…I hope someone from Chicago reads this blog and can remember the store I’m talking about. I doubt if this could be duplicated without using real male deer gland pods. I bought several more bottles then the shop went out of business. Alas, I have never come across this musk oil ever again.

  77. Great article thanks! The article has clearly resonated with people as the comments page has been going for 11 years – wow!

    I used to wear the Body Shop fragrance Mostly Musk in the 1990’s until it was discontinued. I’ve been searching for something similar ever since.

    I use the Cabot musk Oil now which I really like and is probably the closest I’ve found to the Body Shop scent.

    If anyone has any suggestions of a similar fragrance to Mostly Musk, please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou!

    • Hi Stu, Thanks for your kind words. I’ve never tried Mostly Musk, but I enjoy Cabot Musk Oil. Good luck in your search!


  79. Prepare yourself for E-Bay prices > $300 is the norm. Try “Skin Musk Oil” – it’s as close as they get. Previously by Bonnie Bell, now is by Parfums de Coeur, Sells on Amazon for about $11.

  80. Ladies, Check out Poshmark, Seller “Cotymusk” has Coty Wild Musk for $25.00. The Most Saught After Fragrance in the World! I did.

    • The oil on Poshmark is the “Coty” trademark produced & sold from South America. It’s very similar but has a slight citrus undertone (yes, I have a bottle) . The Coty Wild Musk Cologne can still be found at my local Walmart. $11-12.00

    • Is there any New Info on this Brand of THE ORIGINAL NATURAL MUSK OIL FROM THE 1970S & 1980S

      • It’s made by Cabot and it’s still available online. Not sure it smells the same as it did in previous decades though.

      • The Cabot Labs musk really reminds me of Satana Oil of Musk from the 70’s. You can get a very small bottle on Amazon for under $20

  81. I have here a Max Factor Wild Musk. Violet. Fragrance Essence. With dabber. About 10ml left of an original 1970s tester. It’ll blow your socks off.


  83. The best musk oil was by Santana that I used in the 1970s. I keep looking to find a musk similar to it, but nothing else compares. I have been using Cabot musk oil, its okay. Doesn’t have the same consistency as Santana did. I will keep searching.

  84. If you haven’t done so already, you need to check out vintage Caswell Massey’s Oil of Musk Key. It’s intoxicatingly sexy and sensual!

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